After the Spill
2015 FILM
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina devastated the coast of Louisiana. Five years later the Deepwater Horizon exploded and spilled more than 200 million gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico, the worst ecologic disaster in North American history. Amazingly, those aren’t the worst things facing Louisiana’s coastline today.
n Earth Day 2010, BP’s Deepwater Horizon exploded and sank. Many in Louisiana predicted it would change the state’s coastline forever, both its economy and its people. How has the coast changed in the past five years?
A follow-up to our 2010 film ‘SoLa, Louisiana Water Stories,’ this new film introduces us to some of the spill’s most aggrieved victims as well as those who are desperately trying to save its coastline. Writer and historian John Barry who launched a suit against 97 oil and gas companies attempting to get them to pay their fair share for reparations caused by their explorations. Consultant and native son James Carville who manages to find some hope in new technologies that may save the coast. And Lt. Gen. Russell Honore, the man who saved New Orleans post-Katrina, whose new passion is for a Green Army he has recruited.
Our curiosity about Louisiana continues, driving us to continue to ask and explore how are things going along the coast and across Southern Louisiana today?
Has the fishing returned?
What is the health of the Gulf and its marine life?
How sick are the fish, and how sick are the people?
What happened to all that oil? And all that Corexit?
How has the oil industry changed since the spill … and how have we changed? Most importantly, has Southern Louisiana changed forever?
Many questions and lots of evasive answers. We imagine there will be a third Louisiana film in our future!

After the Spill
Produced and Directed by Jon Bowermaster
Written by Jon Bowermaster and Chris Cavanagh
Edited by Chris Cavanagh
Videography by C. Brian Richards
Original Score by Sonny Landreth
Executive Producers Cyril Vetter, Fu Reilly, Kevin Reilly
Produced and Directed by Jon Bowermaster
Written by Jon Bowermaster and Chris Cavanagh
Edited by Chris Cavanagh
Videography by C. Brian Richards
Original Score by Sonny Landreth
Executive Producers Cyril Vetter, Fu Reilly, Kevin Reilly