Dear Governor Brown
2015 FILM
When you think of California, what images pop first into mind? Ocean … beaches … mountains … healthy living … Hollywood … beautiful people. All of which exist, are not just stereotypes. But it is also true that California is the third-largest producer of oil and gas in the nation, with all the downsides and pollution that come with the fossil fuel industry. Drilling has been going on in California for more than one hundred years and has left a trail of dirty air, polluted land and contaminated water up and down the Golden State.
alifornia is the third-largest producer of oil and gas in the nation, with all the downsides and pollution that come with the fossil fuel industry. Drilling has been going on in California for more than a hundred years and has left a trail of dirty air, polluted land and contaminated water up and down the Golden State.
When you think of California, what images pop first into mind? Ocean beaches
… mountains … healthy living … Hollywood … beautiful people.
All of which are true.
But so is the fact that California is the third largest oil producing state in the nation,
with a long history of all of the downsides that come with fossil fuel extractiOn: Dirty
air, polluted land, contaminated water, ill health.
Even as California’s Green economy has grown in the past ten years, 300 new oil and
gas wells are drilled each month, under the not-so-watchful eye of Governor Jerry
Nicknamed Moonbeam Brown during his first tenure as governor in the 1970s, the
governor is more known today as Big Oil Brown, with the industry booming from
urban drill sites in Los Angeles to the Central Valley, also home to America’s bread
Today while Governor Brown is an outspoken champion of reducing emissions that contribute to global warming he is simultaneously a big promoter of California’s oil and gas industry. Our new film asks, Can you really be for both?

Dear Governor Brown
Produced and Directed by Jon Bowermaster
Executive Producers Mark Ruffalo, Lauren Davis, Jay Heflon
Edited by Devin Pickering
Produced and Directed by Jon Bowermaster
Executive Producers Mark Ruffalo, Lauren Davis, Jay Heflon
Edited by Devin Pickering